What are the best tips for user retention in software applications? Does the user behaviour matter? In software applications, users are always…
How do you know what to test and how to perform exploratory testing. If this is one of your more frequent questions,…
API testing is a method of quality assurance in which the service provider and users communicate with each other but what are…
This post provides tips on how to improve your QA testing process for better testing and mistakes to avoid when performing your…
Have you ever had imposter syndrome as a software engineer? As a software engineer, it can be hard to feel like you’re…
You may be wondering what really is infrastructure as code and its advantages? I can imagine when you’re building a new website…
The Rinkeby Test Network is a test network, not an ether-backed blockchain. Do you have an issue of test networks not showing…
Why use oh my zsh, what advantages does it offer over other shells? Zsh is a shell, like bash, tcsh or csh….
Smart contracts are protocols that have the ability to execute themselves on the blockchain but what’s the definition of smart contracts in…
What exactly are business models in startups? How exactly can you make money with business models in startups? What are the different…