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22 Important Considerations When Building A New QA Team

5 Mins read

In this article, we will take a look at some important considerations when building a new QA team. Quality assurance is an integral part of the development process, so it’s worth taking the time to think through how you would like your QA team to operate and who should be on it.

QA teams should be a variety of sizes, but it should also make sense for your business model. Some companies may only need one person, while others may want to employ 5 people. It all depends on your company; moreover, it should make sense for your business model. So it’s important that you identify what you need and then pick the right type of team for your scenario.

Considerations When Building A New QA Team

So, what should you consider? Here are ten important things to keep in mind:

1. Think about the purpose of the team.

If you already have development and marketing departments, it should be clear why you need a QA team. Is it to ensure the highest quality software is delivered? Or do you want to focus on user testing, customer service or compliance? All of these are valid reasons for having a QA team.

2. Pick the right people.

You should always recruit for attitude rather than experience, but you should also ensure that the team complements the existing workforce. For example, if your business is in a highly technical industry such as healthcare or finance, then it makes sense to recruit QA specialists with a scientific background. This will ensure that your testers can communicate clearly and effectively with developers or customers.

3. Find out what your team are good at.

If you are recruiting for testers, consider asking them about their strengths during interviews. This will help in understanding whether your overall company culture is in line with that of the members of the team.

4. It’s important to select people that are passionate about QA.

A QA team should work in harmony, so it’s vital that everyone is committed to the cause and enjoys testing software. This will help ensure they push their individual ideas inside the team, which will ultimately increase the quality of your products.

5. Assess your requirements correctly.

This is especially important if you are recruiting for a QA team. You should assess your needs to ensure that you have the right people on the right types of jobs. If you are using Agile, then make sure that all your testers are used to working in an agile environment. If you are not, then go back to step two and find out what kind of people would be best suited for customer support roles.

6. Ensure everyone understands how to use your application effectively when testing.

This is particularly important if you are in an Agile environment. You should ensure that the team has a good understanding of the application, how it works and how to test effectively.

7. Ensure your QA team can work effectively together.

When building a software company, it’s important that everyone works well together. This will ensure that they get on with each other and get things done effectively. Working alone is not ideal for this, so you should encourage them to work together to increase the effectiveness of the QA team.

8. Vary your QA testing processes.

This will ensure that everyone is using the right methods, which is vital in the long run. Look for new methods of testing or try some out if you are unsure about which one is best suited to your situation.

9. Find out how your team will collaborate with developers and customers throughout the testing process.

This is equally as important as understanding how they work together as a team. Make sure that everyone understands how they should communicate with each other and how they should approach the hiring process.

10. Ensure you’re always up-to-date on technology and software development trends.

This will ensure that your QA team has the latest information about what works well and what does not. If you want to keep your QA team competitive and up-to-date, then you must look at what is happening in the software industry, technology and technology trends.

11. What skillset do you require?

If you are using an Agile method of working, then make sure that all your testers are familiar with the phase they are in. This will ensure that they can work effectively in the two phases of an Agile project.

12. Consider the tools you need to execute your testing plans.

This includes software programs, hardware, software testing certifications and people with different skill sets. If you plan to test on more than one device or OS, then it’s important that you have different types of people for this role.

13. How large is the project?

If your project is very big, then you may need to employ more people on the team. If you are using Agile testing, then you may have to test more than one application or device at a time.

14. What software testing certification do you require?

This will factor into the selection process of your team leader and team members who are required to have access to different types of software testing certifications.

15. What level of testing are you undertaking?

This will help you decide which software testing certification you should choose to test the different levels of your application. For example, if you are building a web-based application, then your testers will need to have an understanding of HTML, CSS and DOM.

16. What stages are being tested?

Consider whether your testers can work on all the different stages or just one driven by the business model. For example, if it’s driven by marketing, then this must be clear in their job description.

17. How much testing has been done already?

This will help you with the recruitment process for your testers. If the project is moving quickly, then you may need to hire more testers with a fast learning ability.

18. What skill sets are required?

Be sure that you have a full list of skills needed in your QA team before you start interviewing people. This will ensure that only the right people are hired and they have a full understanding of all aspects of testing before they start work on your team.

19. Where do they work from?

This will ensure that the right people are hired for your team. For example, if you don’t have a QA office, then consider hiring testers who work from home. This will give them more flexibility and can keep them on time if problems arise.

20. Do you prefer full time or contractual teams?

This will help you decide which kind of people you want on your team. It’s important that you understand the benefits of both full time and contractual employees.

21. What is required from your testers?

You should decide what responsibility the testers are expected to take before they are hired. This will help them understand what level of testing is needed for each application, product or software phase.

22. How many hours do you want your testers to work?

If you want your team members to work longer hours, then this should be stated in the job description before they are hired as part of your QA team.


Once you have compiled all of this information, then you can decide on how to proceed. You should decide which type of testing process is best for your company and ensure that everyone understands their roles within the team. If you follow these tips, then you’re sure to build a successful QA team that will produce quality products for years to come.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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