
11 Great Tips When Applying For An Entry Level Software Engineering Position

3 Mins read

When applying for a software engineering position, you will be required to submit a portfolio., here are some tips when applying for an entry level software engineering position. This is an important part of your application process, as it displays your skills and experience to best fit the job requirements.

Tips when applying for an entry level software engineering position for success

1) Keep your resume short.

Don’t overwhelm people with information that they don’t need; make sure there’s room for people to read what you have done and what you can do in their industry! Your resume should highlight relevant industry experience as well as specific accomplishments over time.

2) Use your resume to showcase your skills and abilities.

Your portfolio should focus on what you are best at, and what you can offer a particular company in the industry. This will give you the best chance at success after going through the interview process.

3) Use LinkedIn to research companies.

Your resume may not have room for them to see, so be sure that you find someone who can share their companies’ information about hiring policies, types of software engineers they prefer to hire, etc. I always check out my recruiters’ LinkedIn profiles!

4) Write a custom cover letter for each position you apply to.

Include a cover letter explaining why you have been successful in the past in your industry. This knowledge will help you highlight the skills needed by each job and make it more personal to the recruiter that you have a history of success already at their company. It also allows them to see that you have prepared for this process and know what they are expecting from applicants.

5) It is important to include your portfolio on all of your applications.

Especially for software engineering positions when applying for entry-level positions. It shows that you are confident about your ability in order to get into the industry, and puts you ahead of other candidates who haven’t built a portfolio themselves.

6) Don’t be afraid to ask.

If you don’t hear back from your recruiter, don’t be afraid to send out more applications! Just because they didn’t respond doesn’t mean that you’re not a good fit for the job. When an employer sees your confidence in wanting to work there, it does make a difference. You never know if you’ll get the chance to ask again or how specifically the company feels about software engineers in the first place, so keep trying!

7) There are many websites that can help you build a portfolio that is easy and cost-effective.

You can use Google Drive, Dropbox or Box to create a personalized portfolio so you don’t have to worry about losing it if you have to change computers.

8) Don’t be intimidated!

When applying for an entry-level software position, it’s important that you are confident. If you don’t make an impression with your portfolio and cover letter, the recruiter won’t give your resume much thought. This is why these two facets of your application should be well-rehearsed and sent out with every application that you send.

9) Practice makes perfect

The more your portfolio is seen by recruiters and employers, the more likely they will see that you are ready to start working in the industry.

10) Write down ideas.

Don’t rely on your memory or notes, write them down! You can always make changes later on, but if you’re making a traditional resume or portfolio, it’s best to have a complete document that you can reference and build upon.

11) Don’t forget to ask your friends who have done it before.

They may be able to give you insight into the industry and tell you what it would be like to work there. Job interviews are more personal than resumes and cover letters, so talking with people who have been in the same situation will help you feel more confident about what to do next.


Portfolios are a great way to show recruiters and potential employers what you can do in the industry, along with a glimpse of your personality. Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity when applying for software engineering positions, and you’ll be on your way!

Read more about non-technical software engineering interview questions and how to answer them.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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