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3 Great Tips For User Retention In Your Software Application

3 Mins read

What are the best tips for user retention in software applications? Does the user behaviour matter? In software applications, users are always looking for the easiest and shortest path to accomplish their tasks. In order to meet up their demand, developers have been coming up with solutions to make apps convenient and easy to use, which is the key to increasing engagement. However, some of these apps might be successful in achieving conversions but only by drawing on users’ personal information and data. This can be a significant risk if they’re not aware of what they’re signing up for.

That’s why we talk about one of the top ways that you can avoid this risk: knowing your users’ behaviours. To achieve this, you must be able to track the actions that your users are taking in your application. It will give you the possibility of gauging the performance of your app and tracking how far it has come.

You can also analyze the individual user behaviour, see what they’re doing, as well as their exit points.

Before we get started, however, let’s talk quickly about what user retention means and why it is so important for developers.

What User Retention Means?

Engaging users is the number one priority for app developers, considering there are millions of new applications downloaded every day. Users could check out your app and decide whether to use it or not within a few seconds. If you want them to become your loyal customers and continue using the app again and again, you need to deliver great value that will keep them coming back for more. Otherwise, they might simply get lost in the sea of different applications.

It’s important that you don’t forget about your existing users either. User retention is actually more effective than acquisition because, with each retention user you have, the lifetime value of each user increases as well. Growth and retention are actually intertwined, as retention is the process of retaining the users in your app.

Why User Retention Is Important?

User retention can help you save money and time because it’s not very costly to acquire new users. You don’t have to work hard to attract them. However, keeping them can be a challenge. Sometimes they are naturally going to leave your app because they want something better or they’re looking for something else that will make them happier than what you have. Only 8% of the apps on Google Play store still being used 6 months after they were first downloaded.

To avoid this, you can do retention user acquisition, which helps to improve the retention of your existing users. When done well, you can acquire more users without having to spend too much money.

How You Can Increase User Retention?

1) Don’t Lose Sight of What You’re Doing

To increase user retention, you must be able to keep in touch with what’s going on in the app. You can do this by tracking user behaviour.

You need to be sure that users are having a good time so that they’ll come back again and again. In order to achieve this, you must know how they’re using your app, especially if they have been using it for a while.

It’s easy to forget things when you have multiple things on your list. As a result, developers end up building something that is not improving the app at all and just adds more confusion to existing UI issues without fixing them. This could result in a drop in engagement and conversions.

2) Get Feedback From Your Users

It appears that users who provide feedback, continue to use apps when regular feedback has been provided, while those that didn’t provide it lost interest within the first six months of their purchase.

How can you get feedback from your users? You can make your own survey and send it out to them or you can go for paid solutions such as Appsee’s User Feedback feature, which allows you to make use of very useful features such as exception tracking.

3) Use Data from Other Sources to Analyze User Behavior

It’s important that you understand how your users are using your app. The more information you have, the better it is for you because it will help you make the right decision for your app users and create something that will improve their experience.

There are lots of places where you can find information about user behaviour and there are lots of data that can be useful.

You can even use data from competitors to make sure your app keeps up with others in the market. This information is readily available on Google Analytics and other sources, but they’re not enough by themselves to give you a real understanding of what’s going on with users within your app.

The good thing is they can be used to start creating a picture of users’ behaviour within your app. It’s only the start, but it can help.


The bottom line is that you have to know what your users are doing, especially if you want to succeed in increasing conversions and user retention. You need to understand them and their needs before coming up with something that will make them stay.

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