
14 Useful Software Development Tools To Improve Productivity

3 Mins read

What are the common Useful software development Tools to improve your productivity in 2022? A software developer’s time is always in high demand, so it’s key to optimize every process in order to stay productive. One useful technique that helps a lot of developers get work done is switching between different development tools. Instead of thinking about what tool you should use with each project, try changing between them after completing one project.

This usually only takes a few minutes and provides the advantage of not becoming “too comfortable” with one tool or platform. Here are five tools to help you along on your way:

Useful Software Development Tools

1) A development IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA or Pycharm that offers intuitive debugging features.

Such IDEs offer useful features such as code completion and time-saving refactorings (just make sure you’re using the latest version). The IDE could have tools/plugins such as git (for version control) and unit testing (so you can quickly find problems and push changes when required).

2) A profiling tool like Firebug to see which parts of your code are taking the most time.

Note that you can also use Chrome’s Developer Tools, but they’re not as fully featured. Note that it’s possible to use Firebug via Chrome’s JavaScript console, too.

3) A diff tool so you can easily see when changes were made between different versions of your code

4) Try using multiple browsers

This includes browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer to help prevent a stalled browser problem. This can be especially useful when fixing bugs as you can compare the different versions side-by-side much more easily.

5) Use a code generation tool like JsFormatter or js beautifier

These will help you write more consistent code. This may sound obvious, but it’s a surprisingly effective way to keep your code looking good. Your boss and other developers will thank you for this one!

7) Look for a tool that helps you manage your tasks efficiently.

Tools such as Trello , Basecamp or Asana . Not only will this help you stay on top of the projects, but other people on the team will also appreciate it.

8) A revision control system (RCS) like GIT is essential in software development.

This gives you the advantage of being able to revert back to an earlier version of code if something goes wrong, and it also allows you to view changes made over time.

9) Use a wiki that you can use to store and access information (such as coding best practices, diagrams, design plans).

10) Use a database tool to help you organise and store data in line with its application.

A database tool can help you write queries that pull data that meets specific requirements, and you can use this data to perform statistical analysis or produce reports.

11) Use a build tool (perhaps something like Grunt or Gulp) to automate the compilation of your code.

This helps you stay focused on writing features, and also helps other team members easily understand what needs to be done. Additionally, use package managers such as npm (javascript) or Gradle (java) to automate the installation of dependencies.

12) A code quality tool like JsHint or JSLint.

Such quality tools will help you keep your code free from mistakes and reduce the chance of bugs appearing in your finished product. QA is an important part of a software developers journey.

13) Established frameworks such as Angular, Ember, Backbone or React.

Established frameworks will help you improve the quality of your application by keeping it following modern best practices. As with any JavaScript library, it’s important to ensure that it has been well-tested before adding it to your project.

14) Use familiar deployment alternatives for a start

If you’re struggling to set up a new project with a system like AWS, Google Cloud Platform or Azure, try looking for free alternatives like DigitalOcean and Linode as they’re usually pretty cheap and provide great service for bootstrapping projects.


The bottom line is that even the most experienced developers can benefit from switching between different software development tools. It won’t take long to see improvements in your coding speed and to see just how much more productive you can be when using the right tool for each job.

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