General testingQa

Why Do We Need QA Testing

4 Mins read

Why do we need QA testing and how does QA testing work? Why can’t developers test their own code? When new software programs come out, they often have bugs. A bug is a flaw in the design of the program that lets something go wrong when it shouldn’t. If a user finds an error in the software, they may report it to the company so they can fix it and make sure that no matter what else happens with users, no one gets hurt by this bug.

One way to test for these errors is by actually testing what users could do with the program; another way is by checking all of those things that were designed into it and should work correctly. This process makes sure that all of these aspects of the product work as intended and don’t have any flaws or problems.

Testers are the people who check software applications for bugs. Some of them may be working on other teams, such as the programming team or the team that writes the instructions, but they work directly with each other in order to be sure that no problems get by unnoticed. This is especially important if one area of the program relies on another. For example, if someone’s instructions tell a user to do something that relies on something else in the program running correctly and accurately, these testers have to check both parts in order to make sure that when someone does it as instructed everything will go smoothly.

Most software is complex, so there’s a lot that can go wrong. When testers find problems, they write up a report on what went wrong, how it happened, the results of the bug (did it do something it wasn’t supposed to?), and what would have happened if users had gotten into this part of the program. All of these pieces of information go into writing up a bug report and test documents. They’re important because they provide information to developers so they know exactly what went wrong with their product and how to fix it.

When users find errors, they may report them or just let them go unnoticed until the software breaks in a way that causes possible harm to someone. In this case, the company has already made money off of the software but will never be able to fix it because they won’t get any feedback after they made that money. If a bug is reported, though, the developers can make sure that it’s fixed and not come back to haunt them.

Types of bugs

There are two major types of bugs: defects and feature issues.

Defects are problems with the program that make it so when someone uses it, something goes wrong. For example, in order to make sure that users don’t get hurt by a bug, a user may have to enter all of their personal information every time they want to use the program. Because of this failure in design, these users have to put all of their information in again and again instead of being allowed to save it so they can just re-enter it once.

Feature issues are problems with how something was designed when it comes to what a user expects or wants. For example, if a feature is set up so that there’s no way that you could use a program unless you’ve also added another piece of software to your computer, that’s a bug in the design of the feature and it needs to be fixed.

Good bug reports are detailed and contain as much information as possible. If more information is included in the report, more programmers will be alerted to what the issue was with their product and can fix it. The more information the tester can provide, the better they’ll be able to help make sure that this bug doesn’t happen again; after all, they’re helping keep everyone safe.

Bug reports are vital in making sure that the software is safe, does what it’s supposed to do and is usable. If they’re not handled correctly, they’ll cause the company to spend more time and money debugging their project than they would have spent creating it in the first place. In addition, if a bug report is ignored, then it may end up being accidentally left uncorrected, which can then cause people to get hurt by it.

Why can’t developers test their own work?

Good question! Why would you ask that? 🙂

Well, a lot of companies think that the best way to test their software is for developers to find bugs in it themselves. They also think that if they give a project over to developers and let them do their own testing, they’re going to find all of the problems in the software and make sure they’re fixed before it’s released.

The main reason is that they may not test the right things or they might find the wrong things. They’re also so close to their own project that they might not see bugs that are obvious and glaring to someone who’s working on it with a more critical eye.

If the developers are testing their own work, they may be tempted to just skip over bugs because they don’t want people finding out about errors in their product. This can end up causing them a lot of trouble in the long run as word gets out about this bug that was never fixed and then anyone can use it for malicious purposes. Developers can’t be defensive about a bug because if it happens to someone else, it could happen to them too.


A tester’s job is to make sure that the program is going to function correctly as long as it meets a normal user’s needs. This means that they don’t need to do anything that isn’t expected of a typical user. In order to test all of the features of a program, though, they have to use it in different and unusual ways.

It’s important for testers to use every aspect of the software so they can make sure everything is working as it should by checking the documentation. They usually have to check every option, change their parameters, or otherwise manipulate it in some way in order to see if anything breaks or goes wrong when they don’t expect it.

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