How ToSoftware

Make Postgres User a Superuser in Linux

1 Mins read

How can you make postgres user a superuser in Linux? Assuming you have a situation where you need to make PostgreSQL “Superuser” in Linux, you can do so by running the following commands: I recently came across this issue and this is the solution that worked for me.

Use single mode

a) As root user – stop postgres service by running

service postgresql stop

b) Change the system user to a non root user such as postgres by running

su postgres

c) Access single user mode by running the following(Change the postgres folder installation location based on your postgresql version)

/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres --single -D /etc/postgresql/10/main/

d) Run the alter command

ALTER user postgres with SUPERUSER;

e) Start your postgres server

service postgresql restart

e) Confirm changes by getting onto postgres terminal and typing the following.


As you can see, postgres is now a superuser – you can do this for any other user you wish


These steps should work for most postgresql installations in 2.6, 2.8 and 9

For earlier versions I would suggest running the commands to start single mode, stop postgres and re-start as a non root user.

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