How ToStartups

Tips On How To Develop A Minimum Viable Product

7 Mins read

Let’s look at some tips on how to develop a minimum viable product. A minimum viable product is a lean and simple product with just enough features to be able to compete in the market. It is meant primarily as an internally-driven initiative, which means that it should not be fast-tracked until it has been tested and validated within the target market. Its goal is to provide functionalities that are essential for your app’s target users.

This article will provide tips on how to develop a minimum viable product, and also present items to consider when defining your MVP.

1) Define the company’s objective:

What is the problem that you are trying to solve? Or otherwise, what is your unique differentiation? The starting point for lean start up is to understand the problem better and in turn, help customers. Start-up founders must have a strong personal reason for wanting to start a business in the first place.

Start-up entrepreneurs may be dealing with personal problems, such as financial insecurity or boredom, which prompts them to start their own ventures. By definition, it means that they have had an epiphany that there is a need they can solve. They also need to have something specific they can offer people outside of themselves.

2) Identify the customer:

What is the person that you are trying to help? By asking who your customer is, you will be able to understand who has this problem and why that person would potentially like your product. The purpose of the customer is to have a clear understanding of what he is looking for. Secondly, when this person can be identified, it would be much easier for you to create a service that can satisfy their needs.

3) Learn from your own mistakes & failures:

One of the lean startup principles involves identifying and eliminating unnecessary steps in order to get a product or a service to market as quickly as possible without compromising on quality or customer experience. The objective is to create a minimum viable product (MVP) for the end customer.

The Product/service market fit means that you understand what customers really want from a specific product or service and how they will use it. It sounds simple, but it is really tough to do properly. In fact, more than 90% of start-ups fail because they lack market fit.

4) Identify a real need:

Once you have identified your customer, then it’s time for the entrepreneur to come up with an idea for a solution or product that could address the problem that your customer is facing or simply an opportunity in the market. Doing this will be crucial for the lean startup process.

5) Create a minimum viable product:

After identifying your target customer, then the next step is to figure out the minimum product that can address their needs that you can offer them. The whole idea is to create a product or service that can test and validate whether your idea really works or not in front of your customers. This is what is known as MVP (Minimum viable product).

6) Evaluate:

Once an entrepreneur has developed his MVP, he should evaluate it against his customers’ reactions. This will enable him to validate whether there is any business opportunity in proving-out the feasibility of his idea.

7) Improve the Product/service:

Once a product is validated, then the entrepreneurs should start to focus on improving the product or service. These steps will involve developing a clear vision and mission statement along with avoiding unnecessary expenditure. For example, if you are starting a business in the field of entertainment, then it would not make much sense to spend a lot of money on marketing and advertising when your customers are hard to find. The process will be iteratively repeated until there is tangible consumer value.

8) Build an organization around it:

At this point, entrepreneurs should focus on building an organization around their products or services in order to expand it into an industry-specific field. You need to focus on the bottom line, not a full product description of what you are doing or how the product works. The business model is more important, because it will determine your finances and whether you will be able to stand on your own two feet.

9) Communicate internally:

The whole point is to build a minimum viable product and start getting feedback from customers. Ultimately, this enables entrepreneurs to validate their idea better. In order to do this, they should communicate with their team internally and with their colleagues. This helps them collect information that they can use for further development of their products or services in future.

10) Communicate externally:

Once a business owner has validated his product or service with customers and potential investors, then the next step is to communicate externally and with other businesses. However, this should be done carefully because marketing activities such as advertising and promotion can be costly. Therefore, it is important to focus on communication that is relevant to their business. For example, if you are developing a start-up in the healthcare industry, then you must focus on creating business opportunities within hospitals or with other professionals in hospitals. This will help them establish relationships with customers and build a reputation for their products or services within that industry. That will give them a competitive advantage in the long run.

11) Organize your business:

In short, it is about having a clear plan for the future of your business. You need to understand what you want to do and why you want to do it. It might help to write down your goals along with how you will achieve them. This should include establishing meetings where you can go over the progress that has been made so far and whether there is any need for changes to be made. Lastly, it is vital to establish ways of measuring success, both quantitative and qualitative. Additionally, they must make decisions on how they are going to build their team and by when they will get there.

12) Build a team:

The process of building a team involves hiring employees in order to reach out to customers and introduce your products or services. The whole idea is to create a company that can deliver the best value proposition for its customers on the market. However, before going ahead, it is necessary for an entrepreneur to recruit people with different talent sets for different positions within the company. This would enable them to expand into new markets or product lines. Such as bringing in an expert from the mobile apps development industry or someone from social media could be helpful in growing business using those channels. As you can see, it does not always mean hiring someone with high-profile experience that would be expensive for your startup business.

13) Identify key metrics:

Before going ahead, it is important for entrepreneurs to find out what their key metrics are and focus on improving them. Moreover, they must identify the performance of their products or services over a period of time. For example, you should know how much money you would have to make in order to be able to pay investors’ expectations and financial returns. This is the only way to measure success and whether your business is viable or not.

14) Build an internal road-map:

Entrepreneurs must evaluate the market they operate in, along with specific factors such as competition, customer trends and all other things that might affect their business in any way possible. This will help them to come up with a roadmap that will lead them to their goals and objectives.

15) Secure funding:

This step is relatively important because it involves acquiring the necessary funds to scale up their business and create more opportunities for themselves in future. This can be achieved through getting money from investors who have the resources and know-how to grow their business into a successful company in the long run. How, you ask? Well, if you are passionate about your idea, then you must be willing to spend some money on marketing or advertising until there is tangible consumer value that you can deliver or offer back to your customer.

16) Build a system for growth:

Entrepreneurs need to develop a marketing strategy that will not only help them to find their customers but also give them the opportunity to go back and improve the products or services they deliver. They must constantly look at how they can improve their organization so that there is some room for growth and more efficient processes. Eventually, this will lead them towards the goal of becoming one of the most powerful brands in their industry.

17) Measure what works:

At this point, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to focus on getting information from customer surveys and analyze it in order to measure what works best for a business and what does not. It is necessary to determine what the customers want and how they can be better utilized as customers. This is important because it will help entrepreneurs to fix any problems with their products or services.

18) Sell:

As soon as a business has grown to a certain size, it is time to start selling and generating revenue in order to sustain that growth. Before doing so, entrepreneurs must understand the value of their products or services at the competitive market. Moreover, you must focus on gaining an edge over your competitors by providing more value for money in comparison to them. There are several ways in which you can do this such as offering free shipping, discounts on quality products etc. This will help to boost your sales, which in turn would give you the chance to scale up and expand.

19) Promote:

This stage involves building up a marketing campaign that will help to grow your business. This is done by making strategic changes that can lead to higher revenue and customer retention. The main objective is to keep customers engaged with the product or service they are offering and therefore use promotional benefits by improving the quality of the service they provide and targeting specific groups of consumers. This will eventually lead them toward a new level of customer retention where they become loyal customers for life.

20) Repeat:

As soon as you have made it to the end of one marketing campaign, then it is time to start all over again. This means that entrepreneurs must take a step back and analyze the progress they have made so far. They must consider the goals they had set in the beginning and how they were able to achieve those in progress. The next step would be to define more goals that will help them achieve their ultimate objective of being a successful business. Therefore, you must repeat this process until you reach your goal of success.


As you can see, developing a startup is not only easy but also requires a lot of hard work and determination. Entrepreneurs must have the ability to adapt to any situation as they will go through many challenges along the way. They have to come up with solutions that will help them achieve their objectives in developing their business. In addition, they will have to prepare themselves for future opportunities by building a system that is scalable and provides flexibility in the future. Many entrepreneurs face many problems along the way and they must be able to get through it. However, if they are able to do this, then they would be able to find success in their business and make it even better than before.

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