
How To Turn Negatives Into Positives In Your Life

4 Mins read

If you are looking for ways to turn negatives into positives, you have definitely come to the right place. Every day we face a barrage of bad news. The media bombards us with crisis after crisis, global violence, economic woes; it seems that the world offers almost nothing but negativity.

There are always opportunities to learn, grow and connect with each other. There are so many wonderful things happening around us all of the time. But, so often, what keeps us from seeing all of the positives in our lives is our own negative mindset. The way to turn these negatives into positives is to shift your perception, so you start to see your life as full of positive possibilities instead of solely focusing on problems. Here are some ways to learn how to turn negatives into positives:

Challenge your “glass empty” thinking

Certain events or situations can cause us to say life is no good, the game is rigged, and there’s no point in trying. When we fall into this trap, we usually don’t like the outcome of something that happened, and we blame life for not working out the way we had hoped. We look at what happened as proof that life doesn’t work out for people like us. Yet, most of the time, it’s just our own negative thinking that has caused this problem. To change your mindset, you need to learn how to challenge your glass empty” thinking.

Look at nature. For example, plants grow toward the sun despite rain and storms; they bloom beautifully in spite of cold winters; they continue to thrive no matter how much adversity they face. Animals are born with weaknesses and vulnerabilities that give them strength, like caring for their young or teaching their kin about life’s dangers.

Nurture yourself regularly throughout the day.

When we blame life for not working out the way we would like, we also tend to blame ourselves for not doing what we should or not acting in a certain way. We often tell ourselves that we’re no good at something, and it’s ridiculous how unlikeable we can be with others. These kinds of thoughts create a vicious cycle that keeps us from really loving and accepting ourselves and others. To change how you see yourself and others, you need to nurture yourself regularly throughout the day.

The best way to do this is by doing new things which force you to open yourself up to new experiences. Spending time with new people opens your mind up to different perspectives and allows you to get outside of your comfort zone.

Celebrate small victories in your life regularly.

Try to think of something you did well today. Find at least one thing that was enjoyable and take time to appreciate it. You can also try to celebrate small victories regularly.

When you feel like life turns against you, take a good look at what is happening in your life. If everything is great, then keep doing what is working for you; however, if things are not working out the way they should, find reasons to be happy with the way you are now. Start saying “if not now when” instead of “what if.” Change your perception by using positive affirmations for yourself and others like, “I can do anything I put my mind to.”

You can also change how people view themselves by helping them see what they are good at instead of focusing on their weaknesses.

Reflect back and learn lessons from those experiences.

Think about the worst thing that has ever happened in your life, and then think about something better that you can learn from that experience. Try to learn from the bad things that happen. The good news about learning from our mistakes is that it makes us smart and more likely to succeed, but the bad news is that it makes us scared and less likely to try again. To change how you see yourself and others, you need to learn from your mistakes, but also learn how to forgive yourself for them as well.

Talk to someone you trust.

Practice being vulnerable to someone else. This can be a close friend or a stranger while going for a walk or while talking on the phone with a relative, a coworker, a neighbor, or an acquaintance. If you are not sure how to talk about things, you can write them out, or that person can talk to you via email. An example of a question someone could ask you is, “When was the last time I saw hope? For example, when did I see hope for the future even if I didn’t see it clearly yet, or when did I start feeling hopeful about myself? Practice talking about your dreams and goals.

Challenge your belief systems.

Don’t take what other people say at face value. Challenge everything people tell you. Don’t accept everything they say as truth without question or reflection. Ask them questions about their thoughts and opinions. Listen to what they have to say, but don’t believe everything they say at face value.

Look for the good in others.

  • You can do this by asking the following questions.
  • What if I am not as bad as I think?
  • What if there are things I can learn from others?
  • How can I learn to be a better person?

Accept your situation and live one day at a time.

Practice being present with your emotions, thoughts, experiences, and feelings. Try to practice being aware of how you are feeling or thinking at that moment in time or during that day or week. Stop yourself whenever you are feeling overwhelmed with worry, anxiety, stress, or worry about the future.


There are plenty of things in life you could say negatively about, and this can often cause you to feel down or discouraged. It is important to use these negatives as learning moments, however, take what’s negative and turn it into something positive. Even just feeling a little better about whatever it is you’re struggling with will make all the difference.

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