
Is cloning “playing God” or just plain creativity?

4 Mins read
  • aking copies of anything from pets to people. As society has become more advanced, humans have begun to explore ways to create duplicates or replicas of themselves. Advances in medicine and the technology industry have allowed for this practice that was once restricted to science fiction novels. The idea of cloning has been a great relief to many families who are mourning the loss of a loved one.

In this brief article, We take a look at cloning and ask is it playing God, or just being creative?

In recent years, advances in technologies have allowed for the possibility of making copies of anything from pets to people. As society has become more advanced, humans have begun to explore ways to create duplicates or replicas of themselves. Advances in medicine and the technology industry have allowed for this practice that was once restricted to science fiction novels. The idea of cloning has been a great relief to many families who are mourning the loss of a loved one.

However, if it is possible to clone humans, then does that also mean that the practice of cloning is playing God? Is this just another way for us to explore nature and its amazing creations, or is humanity taking things too far?

The answer to this question may be dependent on the individual’s religious beliefs. For some people, the idea of cloning may seem like an abomination; while for others, it may be a way to make use of technology.

The idea of cloning has been around for years. At one point in time, there was controversy surrounding the idea of attempting to clone a human. However, in 1997 scientist Ian Wilmut announced that he had successfully created a clone of a sheep named Dolly. Following the announcement, many individuals expressed outrage over the idea that humans could be cloned. It sparked debates in countries all around the world, including America. A few years later, scientist Andrew French and his team of researchers successfully created two-year old twins named Megan and Emily by transferring DNA from an embryo into another woman’s eggs with an ovum donor.
Since the topic of cloning has been rekindled, scientists have been trying to find ways to use it as a way for parents to have their children after losing them unexpectedly.

Some scientists believe this practice is wrong because it goes against the natural order of things.

Cloning and religion

If cloning humans is considered playing God, then the idea of creating a clone of Jesus Christ would also be considered playing God.
Religious scholars state that it depends on what one’s religious beliefs are before they can determine if cloning or creating a duplicate of someone is acceptable or not. They believe that the only way for us to know what is right and wrong before we act is through asking God for guidance. After all, he created us all and knows what is best for each person’s life. Determining right from wrong is not always easy because it often depends on the individual’s beliefs. Some people believe that everything that happens is meant to happen, while others believe that everything is up for interpretation.

How cloning has been done previously

One of the most popular ways to use cloning is for parents who have lost a child. For example, experts in stem cell research are working with adult stem cells in order to create artificial embryos made out of adult cells. This type of embryo can be used for medical research or potentially used for the purpose of being transplanted into another person’s body. The hope is that it can save lives and would be an alternative treatment method if traditional therapies are unsuccessful or risky.
However, this is not always an option.

For example, in some cases when you are attempting to clone a human it ends up with the person having the same genetic disorder they lost their child to. Although it makes sense for patients to want to do anything possible in order to save their own lives, this could be one of the reasons why cloning is not allowed in some countries. They believe that there would be too many risks involved in attempting to clone humans because it could result in a number of negative consequences including death or producing defects.

In other cases, parents have turned to using cloning as a way for them to have children who are genetically related to their deceased child. It is believed that if a person has a child similar to one who is deceased, it may provide comfort and closure. However, the process of cloning does not always end up that way. Some experts believe that these individuals and parents could be suffering from a condition called “psychological denial” because they are having trouble accepting the death of their child.

Cloning has opened doors to many different debates, including ones between religious groups. One such debate involves two religious groups: Jews and Muslims. Both groups believe in one God, but there are some differences between both religions such as the dietary restrictions (kosher vs halal), holidays, etc.
Many people in the adult stem cell research field are hoping to use cloning to create better ways to help patients with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Some experts believe that cloning can also be used for animals. They hope that by cloning animals they will be able to preserve endangered species or animals that are in danger of becoming extinct due to extinction. This would be a great way of helping animals while calling off hunting.


It is not always easy to determine if something is considered playing God or not because it can depend on one’s religious beliefs. For example, some people believe that everything is predestined and nothing is meant to happen by accident. They believe no one has the power over what happens to us and we can only do what we can in order to make our lives better.

Those who do not believe in God and feel that circumstances are not predetermined may feel differently when faced with a cloning situation. They may be more attached to the individual they are attempting to clone and feel it would be wrong for them to create a clone of someone else’s child or loved one. On the other hand, those who adhere to an old-fashioned religion such as Judaism may find it harder for them to accept cloning because they believe that everything has already been decided by God beforehand.

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