General testingHow ToQa

12 Great Tips on How to Improve the Software QA Process

4 Mins read

If you are looking for great tips on how to improve the Software QA Process, you are in the right place. Organisations are now under more pressure than ever to deliver software that is stable and reliable. That’s why it’s vital that software teams understand the important role they play in ensuring reliable, quality software. Quality assurance (QA) is an essential part of the development process and can help to reduce production failures, improve performance, and enhance productivity.

In order to improve your quality assurance process for your company, it’s important to identify the causes of failure in your current process so you can make changes accordingly. To do that, you need to understand the origin of software defects.

Software defects come in two forms: those that are introduced during development and those that occur after delivery.

12 Great Tips on How to Improve the Software QA Process

a) Code-based/requirement-based bug

Developers make mistakes while programming, but they can also introduce bugs as they build their programs. Bugs can be introduced when a programmer forgets to check for a solution to a problem or an error is introduced when the program’s code is modified without checking it for consistency before releasing it for execution.

b) Bugs in the deployment environment

Defects can also be introduced when the programme’s coding environment does not work correctly leading to errors.

But how can you ensure that your team keeps improving and doesn’t make these mistakes?

1) Always plan the testing and QA processes beforehand ✅

It is essential for software developers to understand the demands of their customers and users. In addition, it is important for team members to know what steps need to be taken during each stage of the process.

A comprehensive test plan should be created and maintained throughout the lifetime of your application. This test plan should include details of all testing strategies, objectives, processes, schedules, critical issues and risks etc.

This will save time and effort by ensuring a smooth workflow that delivers the best quality end product.

2) Involve the QA team in sprint/iteration planning 👏

It’s always crucial to involve the complete QA team, with all their technical knowledge, in the sprint/iteration planning process by asking them to make decisions on important topics such as test environment, test content and tools used. This is also helpful so as to ensure that all of the tools and processes are in place to test and debug the code before the development begins.

3) Make use of automated testing tools 🛠

Incorporating automation tools will help speed up your testing process and reduce the time needed to fix bugs. It is also useful as it can help teams prevent mistakes completely by running tests on its own without needing operating staff.

Automated testing tools for automated testing (e.g., Selenium) that compares actual website/application screenshots with those in the mock-up. This gives instant feedback on whether or not the site you’re building works.

Web browsers can be used to test different devices and operating systems without any need for specific software installed in those devices or operating systems.

4 ) Understand the requirements to improve your QA process ☑

Having a good understanding of what your users are expecting from your application will help you to improve your QA process. As well as the above, it’s essential that your programmers and testers work together to ensure that any bugs are located and fixed in time for delivery. This is done by using a combination of software testing tools, such as:

5) Test the product thoroughly during development 👩‍💻

Testing the software during development will help you to make sure that everything works as expected. It is also important for developers to test their code before deploying it in production environments so that any bugs are found and fixed before the product goes live.

6) Engage third-party software testing tools and services 🔬

There are a number of third-party tools and services that can increase the reliability of tests, integrate with other applications, and create comprehensive sets of tests checks for bug fixes as well as new features.

7) Work with the documentation team to ensure accurate Documentation (changes, additions, deletions) 📑

Have ample documentation that is up-to-date before you start development so that any errors are easily identified and corrected.

8) Use effective testing tools 🛠

Software developers can use a range of tools for testing their applications during various stages of development. These tools include source code scanners, unit testers, histograms, static analysis tools and performance profilers. They should also make sure that they have appropriate management systems in place to record bugs encountered when using these testing tools.

9) Maintain and regularly update test design documentation ⚖️

It is important to maintain and regularly update the test design documentation. This enables testers to clearly define any errors when testing the application and allows developers to understand how they can fix these problems before they occur.

10) Investigate and correct errors whenever possible 🧐

It is essential for development teams to have a software testing strategy that enables them to identify and correct errors wherever possible. This will ensure that any bugs are relatively few in number, thereby avoiding major production failures. Errors should be fixed as quickly as possible before they are deployed into production so that they do not affect your end-users or result in long delays in production releases.

11) Have a clear bug creation process 🐛

Once identified, software errors should be fixed as soon as possible. The bug creation process should be detailed and followed whenever a new error is encountered.

12) Testing pre-production builds 🧪

Pre-production builds are used to test the software before it is released into the production environment. This will help to ensure that any bugs are identified and fixed before they are deployed into the production environment.


With the increasing use of software, there is an increased need for more testing to be done to assure quality and reliability. As a result, it has become an integral part of every Software Development Process. The primary purpose of testing is to find and resolve potential problems before deployment into production. Testing helps to reduce the likelihood of failure by identifying critical bugs and regression issues at an early stage in development.

You might be interested in how to improve the qa testing process.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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