
Is There Life Beyond Our Planet?

3 Mins read

Is there life beyond our planet? Then, what lies ahead in our future? Will, we ever find life beyond our earthly planet. Or will our curiosity to find extraterrestrial intelligent forms be buried in the so-called “cold” ground of space?

The answer lies in the question itself. Or rather whose question it is. If it is ours, can we afford to limit ourselves to this universe alone? If it is an alien’s, what universe do they live in? And if they do live elsewhere, how did they get there or where did they come from?
We have been looking for extraterrestrial life for a long time and a vast array of space activities has been conducted with painstaking efforts and the expenditure of huge amounts of money.

Is there life beyond our planet?

The answers so far have been disappointing. The search for extraterrestrial life has remained elusive. We have yet to find any evidence of extraterrestrial microbial life or the artefacts that can be identified as being left behind by them.

So, does it mean that there is no life beyond our planet? And if there is, where are they?

For those who believe in humankind’s eventual contact with an alien civilization, the answer to these questions is obvious. The belief in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent or alien life forms has become a major trend in popular culture. For example, films and television series of recent years have brought to light many stories of encounters between humans and aliens from different universes and dimensions.

These stories have attracted the attention of people, particularly the younger generation. They feed on contemporary theories and concepts that are currently discussed in many international conferences. For example, the idea of multiple universes, parallel dimensions, dark matter and energy, wormholes and black holes as a gateway to other worlds, alternative dimensions or parallel universes where all these theoretical concepts were once dismissed as myth or fiction.

These concepts have become reality with recent discoveries in space exploration. For example, it is commonly believed that our universe is actually composed of more than one undiscovered dimension or universe. According to some theories unless they exist together at the same time they cannot be detected by science.

In recent years, many alternative theories have been brought to light on how these universes were formed, who created them and why they exist. These concepts also provide clues on how these universes form and what lies beyond their boundaries. This knowledge is gradually being determined by modern science.

The next great challenge is to find the boundary between our universe and all existing or those we can never expect to exist in our future, or the boundary between all existing and those we can expect to exist in our future.

Until now, it is beyond our knowledge as to where it actually was located or how far it extends into other dimensions or universes.

How far has man ventured out into the galaxy?

Humankind sent its first unmanned space probe to take some images of the outer planets in order to create a map of the solar system. It reached Venus but it was destroyed by an explosion.

Voyager I in 1977 became the first man-made object to leave the confines of our Solar System and travel beyond the Oort cloud, or region of icy bodies surrounding our Solar System. It was sent on a mission to study the outer planets of our solar system; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
It has been conducting measurements using magnetic fields for about 15 years since leaving Earth.

Voyager II explored Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.

The Pioneer, Viking, Mariner and Magellan were launched to explore the surface of Mars. The Viking landed on Mars to conduct experiments in the search for life forms on Mars. But all life forms have been so far identified as micro-organisms that use ultraviolet light as their source of food but they have no real concept of art or science.

NASA has sent more than 1100 missions into space, including those to mars and Jupiter. So far, all the efforts have proved unsuccessful in returning with any samples from other planets in our solar system, like Mars and Jupiter. No one has been able to claim command over our solar system as a whole.

Every single small step that has been taken so far, have established new facts about our universe except for settling the frontier between our planet and other worlds beyond it.

The questions of the future still remain why, where, who and what? Man has not been able to answer all of these questions yet.


Today, scientists and researchers around the world have made many important discoveries that have broadened our concepts about space and time. They also questioned some of the most fundamental laws that have remained unchallenged for centuries such as relativity, gravity, quantum theory and others.

In fact, with today’s advanced technologies along with new explosive discoveries about the nature of matter itself during the last few decades, many famous scientists like Stephen Hawking predicted a future where time might be irrelevant or even obsolete in relation to space-time itself.

Read an interesting article about cloning here.

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