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What Is Agile Qa Testing And How To Improve On The Process

4 Mins read

If you are here, you must be looking to know what is agile QA testing process and tips to keep it afloat. To be agile simply means – you should be quick to respond to change, which is why agile software development and QA (quality assurance) testing go hand-in-hand.

The Agile Alliance defines “agile” as: “a person or process that can adapt readily to change.” You should be agile and quick to respond to change, which is why agile software development and QA (quality assurance) testing go hand-in-hand. Agile software development is a set of values and principles for software development. It emphasizes the importance of rapid iteration and responding to change over following a rigid plan.

Because agile projects are generally small (a few developers), the QA testing is often handled by the development team, rather than outsourcing it. Agile testers do not test everything, but instead, focus on identifying issues early in the project and gaining feature acceptance from limited user groups throughout the project lifecycle.

A good QA tester is a mixture of an artist and a scientist. An artist in that he or she has an empathic understanding of users’ needs and desires, with the ability to imagine what could go wrong with a particular feature or implementation.

Agile testing and the sprint process

In an agile environment, QA testing is conducted daily, weekly, or at other regular intervals. The scope of the test is agreed upon between management and developers at the beginning of a project. This set-up may be to test each new change as it’s being made by development or to test a feature in its entirety from the beginning of the project.

Agile testing has some characteristics in common with the following.

The development cycles of agile frameworks are shorter than waterfall projects, with shorter release cycles. For example, in the Waterfall model, testing occurs at different points within the development cycle, so it can be extended to include part of the later stages of development.

However, this requires more resources than an automated test suite to be set up and maintained continuously throughout each release cycle.

In order to implement an agile testing process, you need to:

Automate your testing process throughout the daily delivery cycle.

Make sure that your goals and strategies are aligned with business goals.🥅

Create documentation and make sure it’s easy to use.📝

Prioritize features for testing. (Use the product owner.) Make sure that testers have time at each iteration for more than just bug fixes. Ensure that testers gain acceptance from users, rather than just fixing bugs.

Example of the agile testing process: ✅

a) Test Planning

Ensure that tests are planned at the beginning of the sprint, not the end. Allocate time for testing at the beginning of each sprint to allow for testing throughout the development process.

b) Test Execution

Execute tests daily to ensure that functionality is working properly and to gauge progress.

c) Test Reporting

Report progress (and failures) of test execution after each sprint. Show trends over time and relate this information to project goals and strategic business changes.

d) Iteration within the sprint

A team completes the tasks set out in the sprint by developing and testing in iteration. The end result of this process is that you have a functioning application and the ability to produce and report on test results.

Scalability of agile QA testing and Tips to keep doing agile testing

You can use a variety of agile testing approaches to meet different needs: Daily, weekly, or at other regular time intervals. The shorter cycles enable testers to be more responsive and follow changes as they happen. The shorter cycles enable testers to be more responsive and follow changes as they happen.

Tips to keep tha agile testing afloat

1) Automate testing whenever possible.

Use automation scripts and regression tests to monitor the system and test for stability, performance, and functionality. This will also help to save time during the sprint.

2) Focus on risk areas and critical functionality during testing rather than testing everything.

In a sprint, there are new features being added and existing functionality is being modified. Testing critical functionality is still important, but should be balanced against the risk of introducing new bugs in other areas.

3) Use the product owner to identify what is critical and requires prior testing.

This can include new features or high risks. Use the product owner to identify what is critical and requires prior testing, such as new features or high risks.

4) Identify the acceptance criteria that must be met before a new feature can go into production.

Often this is done in conjunction with business analysts and product managers. Make sure that as a QA team member, you are aware of the acceptance criteria and are running the right tests. This can be done by always collaborating with the product owners.

5) Make sure that you have adequate time to test features, and do not over-focus on issues. Focus on a few high-risk areas during the development process.

6) Test all aspects of the application, not just the feature.

Distribute testing work evenly among testers as much as possible, but also recognize that there are some tasks best done by developers. Distribute testing work evenly among testers as much as possible, but also recognize that there are some tasks best done by developers.

7) Simplify testing to minimize the amount of time required.

Use a continuous delivery model. In this case, the product is tested after each release and no features can be released to production until they have passed all tests. You must keep track of defects as they happen, but not after the case has been resolved and fixed. In this case, the product is tested after each release and no features can be released to production until they have passed all tests.


Agile software development and QA testing go hand-in-hand. Agile testers do not test everything but focus on identifying issues early in the project and gaining feature acceptance from limited user groups throughout the project lifecycle. Having processes in place to ensure that the product meets business needs is critical in an agile environment. QA testers must be aware of the stability and the acceptance criteria prior to committing code to production.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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