
7 Useful Programming Languages That You Should Learn In 2022

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Let’s have a look at 7 useful programming languages that you should learn in 2022 and in the next five years. What programming languages should you learn? It’s a question that has many possible answers. New languages and frameworks are created every day. In this article, we’ll explore what some of the best options are for 2022, as well as briefly mention some other up-and-coming languages to keep an eye on.

7 Useful Programming Languages That You Should Learn In 2022

1) Python

Python is a popular language for general-purpose programming due to its simplicity and ease of use. It’s used extensively in industries such as web development, information security, big data and quantitative finance.

It’s a good language to learn if you’re a beginner and don’t want to get too bogged down in complexity too soon. However, it’s also recommended for experienced programmers, since it’s easy to understand and prototype new ideas.

It has two versions: Python 2 (which was released in 2000) and Python 3 (released in 2008). A large proportion of programming is done with Python 3, due to its benefits over previous versions. This will be particularly useful for people looking to get jobs in the next few years.

2) Swift

Swift is a programming language primarily used for developing iOS apps on Apple operating systems. It was developed by Apple and released in 2014 as an alternative to Objective-C, which was used previously.

Swift is much easier to learn than Objective-C, and has a number of benefits over it. Examples are the increased safety of Swift’s code, along with its improved concurrency, interoperability and multi-architecture support.

It also provides for features such as “interoperability” (so you can write in Swift without needing to learn C++) and “build systems.” This means that only a small amount of code needs to be written when using frameworks like Xcode or Cocoapods. Swift is also becoming more widely used in other industries, including but not limited to web development, so it could soon become a popular language for all programmers.

3) Clojure

Clojure is a relatively new programming language that has been gaining popularity in the past few years. It’s very different to other languages, with a focus on functional programming, or in other words “programming by applying functions.”

This makes it ideal for developing distributed and highly concurrent systems, and also allows programmers to keep their code simple while producing highly efficient solutions. Clojure is being used increasingly by companies such as LinkedIn, Spotify and the BBC to build large-scale applications with very short development times. It’s particularly good for people looking for something beyond standard programming languages.

4) Javascript

Javascript is a programming language you’re likely familiar with, having made its way into HTML development. It’s one of the most popular web technologies to develop interactive websites. Websites such as Gmail and Facebook use it extensively, and it’s also used for developing native apps.

The popularity of Javascript has been increasing steadily since its introduction in 1995, and it will continue to do so. Programming languages that combine with it are also growing in popularity, such as TypeScript (used by companies such as Microsoft), or Angular (which Google has developed). It’s worth keeping an eye on these new developments in the next few years to discover what they will mean for your future career prospects.

5) Go

Go was originally created by Google, but it’s been open-sourced four years ago. It’s a programming language that is object-oriented and functional at the same time. Go’s most significant difference from other languages is its concurrency system, called goroutines (which come in handy when building large-scale applications).

Go also has a number of benefits over other languages, such as its support for generics and interfaces. These features allow it to be used in contexts where other languages might not be suitable.

6) Scala

Scala is a functional language that’s maintained by the company Typesafe, and was created in an attempt to create a language with “the best of both worlds.” It’s used widely within companies such as Netflix, Amazon and Twitter.

Scala’s significant features include libraries for functional programming (through libraries written in Scala), support for multiple programming languages through the use of interoperation and ease of communication between programmers.

7) Kotlin

Kotlin is a modern programming language that’s been created by Jetbrains. It’s an open source language that’s being developed under the umbrella of Java, which was originally developed by Sun Microsystems.

The feature that makes Kotlin stand out from other languages is its ability to interpret Java, meaning it can be used to write native Android applications. It also has features such as “anonymous inner classes,” which allows for seamless communication between the Java and Kotlin languages without having to go through intermediate steps (such as through reflection). This has been widely criticized by programmers who are more familiar with Java than Kotlin, but it’s still worth keeping an eye on in the next few years.


There are many programming languages that could become applicable in the next few years. The above list contains some of the most relevant and important ones, though not necessarily the ones that will be used most or get you a job.

If you’re looking for a new career in programming, it’s worth considering which language is right for you before you head down that path. It’s also worth learning different languages to increase your employability and value since today’s employers are increasingly looking for versatile people with more than one skill set.

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