
What Is A Software Development Kit And Great Active Examples

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Let’s explore the topic of what is a software development kit and great active examples. When you are developing a new software product, an SDK is just as important to the process as writing code. A software development kit (SDK) is a suite of tools that enables the streamlined and efficient development of computer programs. It typically includes a wide range of components and tools including IDEs, frameworks, compilers or interpreters.

A SDK encompasses many other concepts and practices for programming such as API’s or libraries that enable developers to create apps for your software product. Developers can usually download the SDK from the host provider’s website but some companies may provide these resources freely on GitHub or another open-source repository.

SDKs allow developers to create applications that take advantage of the specific features and functionality available in your product. Therefore, you need to build an SDK that is able to interface with the different software products.

If your software includes a mobile app, then you will want to ensure that the SDK allows developers to build apps for multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows and web-based apps. In addition, you may want to consider an SDK for IoT devices, wearables and other hardware platforms if these are part of your business strategy.

Here is a list of some of the most popular SDKs to get you started.

  1. Apple iOS SDK
    Developers can create apps for OSX through Apple’s iOS SDK (software development kit). Most of the tools for developing apps for this platform are available in the Apple software development kit. The SDK comes with a handful of prepackaged kits to help developers see how their new app will work on this platform, including the iAd, iTunes API and MapKit. For more information about these tools, visit SDK home
  2. Facebook JavaScript SDK
    The JavaScript SDK is a popular cross-platform toolkit that allows coders to create web-based apps for dozens of web browsers and mobile devices. This SDK was created by Adobe and is currently used to develop HTML5 web app and mobile apps on the facebook platform. It features a large library of widgets for creating interfaces for websites and apps, which are integrated with the user’s browser or device. If you want to learn more about how to build apps with the Facebook JavaScript SDK
  3. Android SDK
    Developers can implement apps for Android devices through the Android SDK (software development kit). The toolkit includes a host of tools that allow you to create cross platform apps. Learn more about the Android SDK
  4. Microsoft DirectX SDK
    The Microsoft DirectX SDK is a toolkit for creating 3D graphics in desktop applications and games specifically for Windows. These tools have been around since 1993, but were updated recently and include new capabilities such as the ability to create more efficient computer games that run better than previous versions and an updated framework to make developing DirectX applications easier. To learn more about DirectX SDK.
  5. Microsoft OpenXML SDK
    Developers can create apps for Windows and Android through the open XML SDK (software development kit). This toolkit is designed to help developers make the most of XML data types in a wide variety of programming languages and platforms. The toolkit features a large library of code samples that are freely available for both freeware users and paying customers, allowing you to create cross-platform apps with these tools by taking advantage of these data types from OpenXML functionality such as online support and online service provider (OSSP). Learn more about this SDK


SDKs are software tools and applications that help developers to create software applications with the specific features and functionalities of the products. They are required for every software application that you want to develop.

SDKs allow developers to create apps for multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows and web-based apps. In addition, they are used to connect devices and hardware to your product. SDKs usually can be downloaded from the provider’s website but some companies may provide these resources freely on GitHub or another open-source repository.

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