
9 Great Tips To Improve Emotional Intelligence

3 Mins read

Let’s discuss tips to improve emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of tools that help you recognize and manage your emotions, and leverage them to improve relationships with others. There’s no denying the importance and power of emotional intelligence. The concept has been around for some time, but in recent years it has surged in popularity due to its powerful ability to improve happiness, satisfaction, productivity at work or school, teamwork skills with co-workers or students at school/workplace, personal growth and self-awareness. However, there are still many misconceptions about what emotional intelligence even is. This article will clear up those misconceptions! Read on for more information!

“People often do not consider the importance of their emotions because they believe it’s easier than dealing with their feelings. But emotions are actually very powerful forces that can greatly influence our lives, and one of the best ways to harness and direct them is to develop your EQ (emotional intelligence). Emotional intelligence is the skill to recognize, understand, manage and use your own feelings appropriately. It’s a way of assessing your own feelings, managing your day-to-day relationships with others and using those emotions in a way that works for you both professionally and personally.” ~Professional Development International

Tips to improve emotional intelligence

1) Always listen before you speak

When working with others, one of the qualities that is highly regarded is active listening. This way you can more effectively communicate with them, and better know how to respond to them. The next time you’re in a meeting, focus on actively listening- by asking clarifying questions or summarizing what you’re hearing – before responding. Even when it’s your turn to speak, don’t rush past the others (even if they have made mistakes or said something that rubbed you the wrong way).

2) Emotional expression

Self-expression is a powerful part of emotional intelligence. It forces you to dig deep within yourself and find an inner strength that may not have been realized before. Expressing your emotions openly and honestly will help you be more confident and attractive. Be aware of how others around you are feeling and express your feelings to them as well. This will increase the likelihood that they will do the same for you.

3) Keep a diary

Taking some time out of each day to write down how you feel about something (good or bad) can help you become more aware of your feelings, thus allowing for more self-control over them. It’s also an empowering experience because it helps you understand your emotions better. So the next time you’re feeling that surge of anger or sadness, take a moment to write it down in your diary instead of lashing out.

4) Don’t be quick to judge

Emotional intelligence is also defined by being able to judge the emotions of others correctly. By overcoming your own prejudices and stereotypes, you will be better equipped to read others and know how best to interact with them. It’s important to not make assumptions about people based on their appearance – which could lead you to have incorrect expectations of them.

5) Don’t Be Afraid to Confront Others

When it comes to working with others on a team or in a group, it is important to confront mistakes and issues as they arise. This can be difficult because we often want to avoid making others feel bad, but avoiding problems only makes them worse. Don’t let your fears of confrontation deter you from trying to resolve issues immediately.

6) Empathy

It’s important that you become more empathetic in your everyday life. This can be accomplished by listening when others talk, reading between the lines and putting yourself into their position. In this way, you will better be able to understand their emotions and the reasons for their actions.

7) Focus on the Present

When you are meeting with co-workers or students, it is important to focus on being present in the conversation. This means that you aren’t thinking about what happened before the conversation or what is going to happen after it. Instead, you should focus entirely on who you’re talking with and what they are saying. This will help ensure that your conversations are more productive and that everyone has a chance to be heard.

8) Admit your mistakes

Being able to admit when you’re wrong is an important part of demonstrating emotional intelligence. It shows your ability to handle adversity and recover from it – which are skills that many people lack. The next time you are wrong about something, don’t be afraid to admit it!

9) Take care of yourself physically and mentally

In order to maximize your emotional intelligence, you need to be at your best physically and psychologically. This means eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. In terms of mental health, you need to practice positive thinking (learn more about positive thinking here) and engage in activities that soothe your mind. Meditation is one of the best ways to do this.


Just like anything else, emotional intelligence can be honed through practice and perseverance. You aren’t going to know how to judge the emotions of others without practising it first. And if you want to know what emotions are heightened or diminished in certain situations, you need to spend some time in those situations. Even though learning these skills takes time, it’s certainly worth the journey!

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