
How to know if you are stressed and what to watch out for

4 Mins read

There are proven ways that might help you in how to know if you are stressed. There are all sorts of symptoms that can crop up when we’re stressing out our brains- tension headaches, insomnia, shaky hands. How can you know if you are stressed? When someone is stressed they may feel irritable and angry about no apparent reason, have difficulty concentrating on any one thing for longer than 15 minutes at a time without becoming distracted.

What is stress?

It is a condition that affects our bodies and minds. It can lead to chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and even increased susceptibility to disease. In turn, people suffering from stress problems are typically those who have been diagnosed with depression or another mental illness. Stress is not always a negative thing; chronic stress is often related to perseverance and peak performance in some professions. However, there are times when the “stress response” is poorly managed and leads to more health issues than positive outcomes. The signs of stress may be present without you realizing it by your lack of focus on the tasks at hand or an increased heart rate during an activity you previously enjoyed doing without any problems.

Stress can affect both our physical and psychological well-being. It can make us feel both physically ill as well as psychologically ill. A lot of the time, we think that these feelings are attributed to something else but in actuality, they are a form of stress itself. Experts say that the most common forms of physical stress are fatigue and tiredness, headaches, muscle pains as well as stomach pain or nausea.

Psychological stress can only be prevented if we understand the signs of stress and how to deal with them. Stressful thinking and negative thought patterns can manifest themselves in many different ways and you might easily confuse these symptoms for the cause. For example, someone who battles with anxiety may feel dizzy or anxious about an upcoming exam or competition. When someone experiences this type of mental pressure they might feel irritable, moody or lose concentration on their work for longer than usual.

The biggest mistake that people make when trying to stop worrying about something is that they only try to deal with it once it becomes a problem. The best way to tackle stress is to prevent it from creating problems in the first place. If all of these symptoms are stemming from your stress, then you should be able to identify the root cause of your problem and start managing it right away.

How To Know If You Are Stressed And What To Watch Out For

When someone is stressed, they might experience any one or more of the following problems.

– Lack of sleep

When we don’t get enough sleep, our brains produce a hormone called cortisol, which builds up in our bodies and makes us feel lethargic and stressed. The best way to combat stress is to ensure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night, as well as making sure you’re sleeping for at least 8 hours a night. If your insomnia is causing you to feel tired, bring yourself back down to an appropriate dose of melatonin supplements before bedtime.

– Irritability

This can manifest itself as anger or getting angry quickly, or by snapping at others for no reason. Being irritable often will be found out when it affects our social status- we could find that we’re failing to keep pleasant conversations with strangers and family members, or behaving rudely towards other people.

– Being disorganized

We might lose our patience in a hurry when we’re under pressure, and this will manifest itself in a whirlwind of disorganization. This could be something as simple as leaving your keys or wallet in different places or forgetting an appointment with a friend. It could also be the inability to prioritize mundane tasks that have no time limits on them- failing to do your required chores because you’re too busy worrying about doing something more important.

– Losing concentration for longer than usual

When we’re stressed or worried about something, it can be hard to focus on anything else. We may feel like we’re losing concentration and will often find that we can’t concentrate on anything but the thing we’re stressing about the most. It’s not unusual to feel “off-balance” when you’re stressed, and when something begins to come to your mind during normal everyday activity, you might find that you can’t remember much of what you were doing beforehand.

– Crying easily

Everyone gets emotionally upset from time to time but when someone is stressed, they might show more sudden and extreme emotions. They could even start crying or getting annoyed at things that would usually make them laugh or smile before. When we’re stressed, our brain thinks we’re in big trouble and releases hormones that cause fear and anxiety. The resulting fear and anxiety can manifest itself as crying or other strong emotions that would never normally happen in that particular scenario.

– Feeling forgetful

We all experience memory loss from time to time, but when someone is stressed, they might experience memory loss for things that don’t seem important to forget. For example, leaving something at home while going to work or an appointment or even forgetting your friend’s birthday can be signs of stress. When we feel pressured and forgetful, there is a good chance we will be feeling anxious about something else.

– A feeling of restlessness

This is one of the most common symptoms of stress. We might feel like we can’t sit still anymore, and this could manifest itself as pacing, nail-biting, chewing on our fingers, rocking back and forth in our seats, or picking at our skin.

– Feeling ‘off-balance’

When we’re stressed or anxious about something else, we can feel like everything around us is off-balance. We might find that everything is turning into a blur and it feels like everyone around us is moving fast but we can’t move right with them.

Take some time out to carefully examine what is making you feel stressed and think about why it’s happening. This way, you’re able to start your treatment by setting up clear goals on how to overcome the problem.


It can be difficult to identify whether or not we’re stressed out when we’re not aware of the triggers and symptoms of stress, but if these feeling make you feel like something is wrong with your life, then it’s probably time to look at your current lifestyle and start making some changes.

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