
Are cryptocurrencies here to stay?

4 Mins read
  • An optimistic scenario: the crisis resolves itself and cryptocurrencies recovers with a mix of new technologies and regulatory change. A more pessimistic scenario: cryptos become "useless" due to extreme inflation, the industry falls apart, and major players like Bitcoin are no longer used by anyone.

An optimistic scenario: the crisis resolves itself and cryptocurrencies recovers with a mix of new technologies and regulatory change. A more pessimistic scenario: cryptos become “useless” due to extreme inflation, the industry falls apart, and major players like Bitcoin are no longer used by anyone.

What’s your prediction? Will cryptocurrency be worthless? That may depend on what comes next.

There’s a long way to go before Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency becomes worthless, of course. But in the next five years we could see a complete crisis, or we could see major changes that may make it hard for cryptocurrencies to play a role in our future financial system.

A few things are clear. Cryptocurrencies will make up less of the global economy than they do today as central banks issue their own digital coins and the world’s two most influential economies—the U.S. and China—tighten the noose around cryptos.

Why is there fear around cryptocurrencies?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has already cracked down on initial coin offerings, and there are rumors that it will go after Bitcoin exchanges in the near future. The People’s Bank of China restricted cryptocurrency trading, which sent shock waves through the market last year — and caused its value to plummet by 70 percent in 2017.

The fear is that these two big economies will enact tighter regulations to prevent the use of cryptocurrency for illicit activities, and those regulations will make it harder or more expensive for ordinary users to buy crypto.

But big changes can come from small places. Companies like Dash, which focuses on making cryptocurrency easier to use, may thrive because they make it easier to do business with digital money. These companies can create new markets in the developing world, where cryptocurrencies may be more useful than traditional ones. They could also make it easier for governments to embrace cryptocurrencies, or at least make it harder for them to ban them outright.

Then there’s the gold factor. Crypto critics say it’s useless because you can’t eat it or wear it like precious metals. But maybe that won’t matter if people continue to believe in a currency that is independent from the economic policies of any government—even if its stores of value are digital.

While traditional economists may laugh at this belief, the fact is that over half of global investors say they distrust their government’s economic policy. And that number is higher in the U.S., where there is a growing skepticism about President Donald Trump’s ability to manage the economy and steer it through a trade war with China.

So if cryptocurrencies are still around in a decade, don’t be surprised if people are turning to them for an alternative way to hold their savings.

Are cryptocurrencies real investments?

Cryptocurrency trading is catching on among investors looking to get rich quick. But before you jump into this market, here’s what you need to know about the risks and rewards—and what it means for your portfolio. Cryptocurrency investing is more risky than traditional investing because: You can lose your entire investment if the company or currency fails. There are cyber security concerns, especially since exchanges and wallets don’t have the same safeguards as financial institutions.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile and have little regulatory oversight. If you’re new to investing, trade with care but watch the market closely. Don’t invest money that you can’t afford to lose because of a crash or other problems.

Every year, a few high-profile investors cash in on the cryptocurrency craze by selling their virtual coins for real money—and then never buy them back.

The anonymous currency Bitcoin has been the biggest speculative story in the financial world for years now.

But it’s not only billionaires who are getting involved in cryptocurrency investing. Cryptocurrency investing is becoming more and more popular among a wider range of investors as they try to cash in on this booming market.

Are cryptocurrencies speculative investments?

Many people think of cryptocurrency as a speculative investment, but that’s not what it was originally intended for. In its early days, Bitcoin was seen as an alternative to traditional currency, and in some ways, it still is. But as interest in the cryptocurrency grows, more people are realizing that it’s actually a real investment opportunity.

The value of Bitcoin has increased exponentially in recent years, and there’s still a long way to go before Bitcoin becomes worthless. In fact, there’s some evidence that it could become an internationally accepted currency: South Korea already pays its government workers in Bitcoin.

In recent years, the value of cryptocurrency has skyrocketed—in some cases more than 10,000 percent in 2017. Now that prices have increased so much, it’s getting more difficult to get a piece of the action. Getting into the cryptocurrency game is like getting onto the gravy train—but you can only do it for a limited time.

These are just a few of the factors that make cryptocurrency investing a hot topic these days. Many people are curious about this investment and are looking for advice from those who have been involved in this market for ages.


As long as you’re willing to spend some time looking for the best investment returns, you can build your own portfolio of crypto investments by finding the market leaders and following their strategies.

Cryptocurrency investing is becoming more and more popular among a wider range of investors as they try to cash in on this booming market.

For cryptocurrency investing beginners, it’s important to be diligent about understanding how the technology works and taking steps to protect yourself from vulnerabilities that could lead to losses. There are so many options for investing in cryptocurrencies that it’s worth it for beginners to find the right one.

See this article to read on how to get started in cryptocurrency investing.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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