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Impact of teaching in schools using smart technologies

3 Mins read

It is common knowledge that successive generations of students are growing more and more reliant on education technology. But what does this mean? More specifically, how does it impact teaching in schools?

Teachers are also utilizing new technology to educate their students. Unfortunately, this development has led to some degree of conflict between the old school teaching methods and innovation-driven classrooms. Is this just a necessary change, or will these advancements lead to educational stagnation?

New technologies such as iPads, Chromebooks, and even smart boards are commonplace in classrooms today for students to use as tools for learning. In addition, teachers are now bringing these devices into the classroom to teach using them as well. Other examples include Google Classrooms and Khan Academy. Teachers are now effectively using these tools to keep up with students’ progress and keep students engaged in their assignments.

The advantages of technology should eventually outweigh the disadvantages, but this depends largely on how these tools are used and whom they are utilized by. The fact that technology has become so integrated into classrooms means that there should be minimal conflict between the old methods of education and new teaching methods.

What are the advantages of using smart technologies for teaching in schools?

Students are becoming more computer-savvy, which drastically affects how schools are teaching them. For example, schools are now using online tools to interact with students. This enables students to communicate with teachers and other peers in real-time during lessons.

School administrators depend on technology to keep up with both student feedback and the ever-changing needs of the classroom instruction level. When teachers use these new technologies to gauge student performance or grades, they can assign assignments accordingly or identify students struggling areas. This information can help teachers develop new lesson plans.

In addition, technology-based resources allow students to learn on their schedules and at their own pace. This is a huge advantage for students with different learning styles or capabilities. For example, a student who has a hard time grasping the grammar found in English or math lessons might have an easier time using educational websites to practice and apply what they have learned in the classroom.

Disadvantages of using smart technologies in schools

  • The achievement gap may widen if teaching technology continues to advance
    While technology can be a valuable tool in classrooms, it may also become an echo chamber for those from privileged backgrounds to set themselves apart from those who are not as fortunate.
  • It is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to keep up with the needs of diverse classroom populations, which can lead to more student-led learning processes or even just a lack of application.
  • It can create more achievement gaps between students who are struggling and those who are not. However, this means that privileged students will continue to get the same support regardless of their performance.
  • Students who are not privileged will receive more attention if they enter into this mechanism of self-motivated learning by using online resources for information, which could cause new education patterns.
  • Technology sometimes can cause conflict between teachers and students. Therefore it’s essential that teachers begin to integrate new styles of teaching their students into existing educational philosophies.

Teachers are becoming more dependent on technology in the classroom. Technology is not inherently good or bad. Rather, it should be evaluated on its ability to aid students in their learning process, which will allow it to be an asset to education rather than a hindrance.

Effect of COVID-19 on teaching in schools

Technology now helps the student at home and in school, particularly in a period such as this where the COVID-19 virus is prevalent. The computer is used for homework and assignments and has games that the students enjoy playing at home. In addition, technology has stepped in significantly and helps teachers and administrators to keep students on their toes, and gives them an easier time with assignments and school work remotely.
This has made education enjoyable for the student compared to when they were taught without technology at their disposal.


Using technology to teach students grammar, vocabulary, and spelling is becoming a common practice in schools. Many schools are now using programs such as ThinkCERCA to help students. These programs allow students to learn at their own pace and from home without taking up valuable time from teachers or other students.
The use of technology in the classroom is a great way for a teacher to monitor a student’s learning style and determine how they can change their teaching methods interactively to reach each one of their students. That way, it will be easier for them to understand the material being taught.

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