How To

Extremely Simple Ways To Celebrate Small Wins At Home

2 Mins read

This is a post about how the ways to celebrate small wins. These are not major achievements like graduating college, buying a house, starting your own business, or anything like that; these are everyday moments that make your day better. Who says celebrating small wins needs a huge budget and flashy spending?

It’s easy to get bogged down by the big things in life and forget to pat yourself on the back for all of the little wins. After all, most days, there are minor successes worth celebrating- people often say these “little” successes make up for the failures. But don’t let those little things go unnoticed! Learn how to reward yourself for getting through tough times and feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far.

The simple ways to celebrate small wins.

Take a Pinterest Break

Pinterest has become one of my favorite go-to websites. I’m addicted to seeing whatever “awesome things” people post about their lives and making lists of all the things I want to try or do. It’s fun- hell, I even have a Pinterest wedding board! However, there are many users who just seem to post pictures of their food… food… and more food. If you find yourself falling into this trap, take a break from the site by pinning only pictures that inspire you or make you feel good about life outside of your own home (or sometimes inside your own home if it’s inspiring).

Watch a Feel-Good Movie

It’s no secret that I’m a lover of dramatic films and love watching movies that make me cry and then feel good after the movie is over. I’m sure you can find something you can watch today to cheer yourself up, but here are some favorites:

Wake Up Early and Make Yourself A Cup of Tea or Coffee

This is such an easy way to start your day by doing something you enjoy. Whether you’re sitting in bed or sitting in your favorite chair, you could treat yourself to a cup of mint chai tea, grab some delicious coffee, or even enjoy a nice hot cup of herbal tea. I love having this blend of flavors to greet me in the morning.

Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Outdoors

No matter where you live, it’s always nice to get outdoors and see your beautiful city or town. Whether it’s taking a walk with the girls or hanging out with your honey on the couch, there are plenty of ways you can get outside and enjoy nature while feeling good about yourself.

Sit Down and Play a Board Game

It doesn’t matter what kind of board game you like to play. You can still feel good about yourself. So grab a deck of cards and try out a new game!

Play Those Unforgettable Games on Your Tabletop Game System

No matter what your system is- whether it’s the Nintendo Wii, the Playstation 5, or even your computer- there are plenty of games that can help you feel great about yourself. Here are some favorites:

Walk Your Dog (Or Just Enjoy the Creatures)

Dogs and cats can provide hours of fun and entertainment for many people, and they make us feel good while we’re busy petting them and enjoying their companionship.


These are only a few ideas to help you celebrate your wins in the simplest way possible. If you do consistently feel good about yourself, I think it’s important to share those moments with those around you.

Read an article on tips to improve your emotional intelligence.

Don’t miss amazing tips!

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