
Ways to Make Remote Learning Easier for Children

3 Mins read

Lets look at ways to make remote learning easier for children. Remote learning can be hard, especially when it comes to children. Unless they have a strong connection to both the place they live and their home school, they may experience homesickness, difficulty making friends at a new school, or cultural shock.

a) Have a dedicated learning space/room

It should have the following:

– Enough space for a desk and chair so that your child has a place to do homework.
– A bed for naps.
– Enough space for books, projects and games.
– A place to put photos of family, friends and pets.
– A door that can be shut to isolate your child (and pet) from others in the house when they need some quiet time.

Having the above, while still allowing the family to function, has the following benefits:

– It can be a space of refuge when your child needs to feel calm.
– It can help with transitions for your child.
– Your child can have their own space without being “bored.”
– Dogs and cats can have a separate space as well.
– Children feel less stressed out when they can have their own study room.

b) Offer lots of help with homework

Children are required to complete homework assignments every day at school, so it is important that they receive lots of help with any homework they bring home from school. If your child is in school, make sure they have homework assignments emailed to them (or talk to their teacher to see if they can be given extra homework) so that they can complete the assignments at home.

Make sure that all schoolwork is completed before bed, and then after your child goes to sleep, have someone else complete the remaining work for him or her. This should be someone that your child trusts, such as an older sibling or other family member. If your child has trouble staying awake, ask a friend or relative to help them finish their work for the day. Be sure that the work that your child does not do is completed at home.

c) Have a “homework buddy”

This person can be assigned to help complete all of your child’s homework and other schoolwork, such as writing any assignments or reports (such as a science report on plants). This person should be someone that your family trusts and can talk to about any concerns they have with their studies. It can also be good for this person to know about different topics so that they are able to answer questions from you or other family members. If you do not know of anyone who would be willing to help your child with their schoolwork, consider hiring a tutor.

d) Have lots of fun with learning activities

You can make learning fun by planning interactive and “hands-on” activities for your child to participate in. This can help them learn while having fun. You can involve your homeschooled child in fun projects such as science experiments, art projects, cooking classes or a certain topic in history or science that they are interested in reading more about. When your child learns in a fun and interactive way, they will have more positive memories of learning rather than those memories they may have of boring lectures given by their teachers in the schoolroom.

e) Involve your child in choosing the school that they are remote schooling from

It may be easier for your child to learn if they are part of the decision making process. If you are considering moving to a new area, try moving to a new location first so that you can ensure that it is easy for your child to get around, has lots of places for them to play with other children and will provide enough space for them to study.


You may want to consider remote schooling your child if they are in school and things are not going well for them.

Remote schooling offers a chance for your child to regain the confidence and self-esteem that they lost from being bullied or from struggling in their current school.

You might be interested in what is location agnostic working.

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