
What are the pros and cons of social media?

4 Mins read

Everyone knows social media is bad for you. But what are the reasons behind these claims? And why does it have to be this way?
This article will provide tips on minimizing the negative impact social media has on not only your mental health but also your physical health and productivity. It’s time to leave the world of social media behind and join the vast majority living their lives with minimal usage of it.

What Is Social Media?

Social media is generally defined as a form of electronic communication involving sharing information on, e.g., blogs, webpages, social network profiles, or microblogging services.” Some very popular social media websites are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

It’s often believed that social media negatively affects our health and personal relationships because it feeds our desire for validation from strangers online. It also contributes to a lack of offline interaction with people in person or by phone. However, this isn’t entirely true — in fact, many studies have shown that in order for a relationship to work out well, it can’t be based solely off a strong connection made in the virtual world.

Most popular social networking services are designed to gather information about their users.

People are often concerned with privacy on social media, yet they are still eager to share personal details with the world. For example, when an article is shared on Facebook, all of your friends will be able to see it. And when you post a picture of your children playing in the backyard, they will also be able to see it.

What are the real reasons behind social media being referred to as bad? Is it that people are becoming more antisocial? Or have the sites themselves become too addictive to take advantage of this behavior? The truth is complicated.

Increased anxiety and FOMO(Fear of Missing Out)

Social media causes feelings of anxiety by overloading users with images and information. All of these things end up making people feel anxious and sad. For example, a study done at the University of Missouri found that Facebook users experience a more intense feeling of sadness than non-users.

Social exclusion

Results suggest that Facebook use can lead to negative self-perceptions in real life, which triggers the same psychological effects when people feel socially excluded.
Social media also feeds users’ egos by showing them how many “likes” their posts get; many people are more focused on how much attention they are getting instead of focusing on what they are actually saying.

Physical health decline

On one hand, constant distraction caused by social media is taking a toll on your physical health because you are spending less time exercising. A study by Dr. Holly Shakya from the University of California, San Francisco has shown that among adults, those spending more time on Facebook were less likely to meet the recommended levels of physical activity. The same study discovered that those who spent more time on Facebook also weighed more than those who spent less time using the site.

Loneliness & Isolation

On the other hand, users neglect to connect to other real-life people and often feel lonely. Someone who willingly spends a lot of time on social media is likely to be more antisocial and detached from other people.
Users are becoming more disconnected from their friends and family between Facebook’s news feed and Instagram’s intimacy rules. This causes an increase in “loneliness”. Users are spending less time interacting with other people in person. People look at their social media profiles before making important life decisions, leading to poor decision-making.


Social media can make us feel insecure because we become too open with others online, which causes us to fail in real life.

Lack of privacy

This study found that the more people use social media, the more they feel vulnerable to being spied on by others online. This is why privacy settings are becoming more critical than ever. The problem with privacy settings is that people use them in order to hide certain things instead of removing themselves from the situation.

Social media addiction & the battle to log off

Many studies have indeed shown that social media addiction is on the rise. It isn’t uncommon for people to spend hours or even days on one site without even realizing it. Social media use has become so mainstream that people don’t even need a reason to use it anymore — they can use it because they want to, and this often leads people into dangerous territory.


Some of the most popular social networking sites, such as Facebook or Instagram, cause adverse effects by nearly tricking their users into thinking they are happy. Content is often tailored to make the person feel good instead of telling them facts.

Most people don’t know how to use social media properly and end up feeling like their own lives aren’t enough without it. Instead of using social media for a short period of time, users have a tendency to get trapped in various social media cycles, which can quickly become an addiction. We let our attention be consumed by a continuous cycle of seeing what others are posting and then comparing ourselves to that content, which makes us feel insecure or inadequate about our own lives.

Positive impacts of social media

Boosts creativity

Social media can also boost your creativity because there is a good chance that you’ll be able to get feedback from others when developing the product. In the same way, you will have someone to brainstorm ideas with when asking for an appraisal from an HR manager. It’s best to ask for help from someone with experience in the field so they can analyze your idea without being biased about it being something specific to their industry, or else this will prove challenging for both parties.


You can also gain a lot of exposure for your work because social media is a great way to widen your audience. It’s a lot easier to promote content with a broad appeal rather than limiting yourself to a more specific niche.


When most people observe and see something on social media they like or find funny, it can give them a feeling of confidence. If they don’t, then the post may provide them with a sense of inadequacy. This makes it difficult for them to leave their social media behind for more traditional forms of communication, such as phone calls and face-to-face conversations.

The point of this article is to show you that social media is not entirely that bad. Yes, it has many adverse effects, but it also has many positive uses. The problem is that many people are getting trapped by the negative aspects of social media. If you intentionally chose to use social media wisely, you can use it to increase your positive influence on other people, which will ultimately help you achieve your life goals. It’s important to remember that everything in moderation is key because any extreme behavior often leads to negative consequences.

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