Table of contents
This blog post will show you how to add BNB for testing in BSC testnet.
What is Binance Smart Chain?
Binance Smart Chain is a smart contract platform developed by the Binance Chain development team. It is a blockchain-based multi-asset wallet, decentralized exchange, and market maker for trading on Binance Chain. The Smart Chain ecosystem removes the need for trading tools such as order books or transaction fees which are common in other blockchains.
What is a Testnet?
A testnet is an alternative version of the main blockchain where developers can more easily test new code. In Bitcoin, a new block is mined every 10 minutes on the Bitcoin testnet, which provides a simulation of how blocks are found on the Bitcoin network.
What are the advantages of testing on testnet?
Testnets are useful for developers because they offer a way to try out code before moving it over to the production network, especially when it comes to complicated features that would normally require some time to build.
In order to add BNB to a testnet – we need to:
a) add BSC testnet on our metamask
b) Send BNB from the test faucet to our account
a) How to Add BSC TestNet To Metamask
Step I

1) Click on MetaMask and click on custom RPC
Step II

Network name: BSC TestNet
Chain ID: 97
Currency symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Click “Save”
Step III
Well done! You can now select BSC Testnet from the Networks menu.
b) Sending BNB from test faucet to BNB Testnet
Step I

Select and copy the address which you will send BNB to by navigating on Metamask
Click on the copy icon as shown in order to copy that address (Note we have 0BNB) at the moment in our account
Step II

Navigate to the BSC test faucet at:
Paste the copied address in Step II and after clicking the dropdown “give me BNB” – click on 1 BNB
Let’s confirm we got BNB on our BNB testnet.
Check your account and see that the balance should have reflected!

And that’s it! That’s how to add BNB for testing in BSC Testnet
If you want to see how you can create your own coin on Binance Smart Chain using a step by step approach, see this.
Read an interesting article on How To Add Polygon (Matic Network) To Metamask.