
Myths In Remote Working And How To Switch To A Remote Working Environment

5 Mins read

Remote working is an essential aspect of modern life. However, if you’ve ever tried remote work for the first time, you know how challenging it can be. Here are some helpful techniques and things to keep in mind to make it easier for your remote team members to work together. It’s all about finding a balance between everyone being productive and having a good time!

What is remote working?

Remote working is a popular term used to describe a recent trend where employees work from home regularly. They typically do this because of the need to get to get more work done in less time and try to save on living costs.

Although it has been seen as beneficial, there are some disadvantages too – such as the reduced ability for new ideas and said ideas being lost amongst the people who actually do work in an office space.

After finding a working process everyone is happy with, your company will have a much easier time being productive remotely.

Remote work has become a very recent phenomenon, and there are quite a few misconceptions and myths around it. Here are the most common:

Myth: Working from home is the only way to be productive.

Many companies employ remote work or telecommuting, but this doesn’t mean that you should do the same; not every company has to get on board with remote working. If you’re considering this type of arrangement, make sure that you’re comfortable with it before making changes! Remote work has become commonplace in our lives, but that doesn’t mean it’s comfortable or easy.

Myth: If I’m working from home, I can’t engage with co-workers.

No matter if you work from your office or at your home, there’s no reason you can’t participate in office activities and events. Nowadays, software and technologies allow us to do this very quickly and seamlessly.

It’s important to remember that it’s not just about remote working: remote working can be combined with a healthy work-life balance and also having fun!

Myth: If I’m working from home, I won’t get paid as much as if I were in an office.

Most companies love remote work — it can save them money, allow employees to work from wherever they want, and ultimately increase employee productivity. However, if you’re thinking about working remotely, remember that there are no significant differences in pay between remote or onsite workers.

Myth: All (or most) remote workers are freelancers or independent contractors.

The majority of remote workers are employees. A 2016 survey from the International Workplace Analytics (IWA) found that 67% of people who work remotely work for a company, not as independent contractors or freelancers. Actually, some companies such as Amazon and Uber prefer independent contractors rather than employees – but that doesn’t mean that all companies do!

Myth: All remote workers work from home.

While working from home is a popular choice for remote workers, there’s plenty of people who opt to work from coffee shops and other public spaces instead. Plus, this doesn’t mean that all remote workers work from home. There are plenty of people who get home after a long day at work but still want to continue working on something for their company.

While working from home can be an excellent option for some people, it can also be a challenge when you’re going to be required to do things outside of your everyday routine. It’s crucial that everyone in a remote working team understands what they’ll need in terms of food and drink in order to stay focused and well-rested – especially in the early stages.

Myth: Remote workers aren’t as engaged with their jobs as onsite workers.

While a lot of remote workers report that their productivity drops when they work remotely, it’s not true that remote workers are disengaged from their jobs. In fact, at the IWA 2016 Global Remote Work Survey, 71% of respondents found that working from home contributed positively to their overall engagement at work.

As you get more comfortable with working from home, you’ll find yourself reaching even happier about it!

Myth: Working from home kills creativity and collaboration.

While there is a perception that remote workers are less creative than those who work in an office, this isn’t true. In fact, in a study of people working in traditional and non-traditional work environments, creativity actually increased in the non-traditional work environment.

This doesn’t mean that you should join the remote workplace movement just so you can be more creative. If remote work isn’t something that’s right for your company, there are still other ways to ensure that the members of your team are well-catered to and engaged with their work.

Benefits to an Onsite Work Environment

Improved Communication.

As previously mentioned, working remotely can be challenging for some people. If you’re spending all of your time working from home or in a different location, it can be hard to stay connected with your team. This can make it difficult to coordinate and collaborate with other people on projects and tasks, which can lead to a lack of productivity for your business as a whole.

Better Office organization.

When everyone is remote, structure within the office tends to slip away, which can cause problems on multiple levels.


Because you’re working from home, it’s easy for your work to spill into your personal life. This can be a problem for some people – for example, if you have small children that need attending to on a regular basis, or have pets that need taking care of. If you work from home, it can be surprisingly easy to lose track of time and get distracted by other things in addition to your actual work.

Better Work-Life Balance.

Because remote workers are typically not tied down to an office or job site, it’s easy for them to choose when they go in and when they don’t. This can be a valuable asset, as it means that you don’t have to go into work if you aren’t feeling well or if something else is going on in your personal life.

Employers need to consider both types of employees when making a decision about how to create a remote working environment.

How to become a remote working job-place

– Consistent Training

Remote workers must be trained and updated on processes and tools. Without this support, knowledge gaps and productivity gaps will surface over time.

With a constant flow of employees moving in and out, companies must ensure that their documents and programs are up to date in order to keep efficiency up. This may mean that you have to invest more time into training employees, which is always going to be a cost associated with remote working.

– Technology Upgrades

Remote working requires the use of technology, i.e., computers, network ports, and software. Without these components, your business might experience productivity decreases or slowdowns that aren’t able to be fixed easily (which will also cause further wasted time).

Remote working means that companies must make compromises in their technology, culture, and processes to maintain it’s effectiveness. Without the right tweaks and adjustments, remote work can become a nightmare for companies who aren’t expecting it.

– Focus on Collaboration

Your company will need to focus on getting employees to work together. This may involve brainstorming sessions or team-building exercises so that your business can keep your momentum going. If you want to ensure that your company is continually growing and being run well, being able to communicate with one another is critical! So having dedicated office space means that employees are more likely to have regular interactions with their co-workers, which allows them to share ideas and give feedback where necessary.


While remote work offers many benefits, they do come with some challenges. To ensure you are working remotely in a way that works for both the company and employees, it’s essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages so you can create a productive, culture-focused environment that works for everyone.

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